MySQL参数autocommit生产环境设成0,即不自动提交。 设置成不自动提交,事务能做rollback,以满足事务的原子性Atomicity的要求,设置方法:set autocommit=0;
# 也可以修改my.cnf配置文件
- Read Uncommitted:会产生脏读、不可重复读、幻读现象,而脏读这在生产环境中是不被允许的
- Repeatable Read:不会出现不可重复读和幻读问题,但此特性一般不符合应用业务需要,且并发性能也不好。
- Serializable:所有事务全部串行执行(只允许同时一个事务操作,若有其他事务,也需要等前一个事务完成后才能开始),不能并发执行,这在生产环境中是不现实的。
- 有无主键
- 有无索引,是不是唯一索引
- 事务的隔离级别是什么
- SQL语句的执行计划
A transcation consists of a collection of DML statements that form a logical unit of work.
DDL statements will implicitly commit any outstanding transcation.
事务的属性 ACID
: Changes made by a transaction to the database are atomic, “all or nothing”. [Redo & Undo]Consistency
: The transaction changes the state of the base from one coherent state to a new coherent state (conforming to integrity constraints). [Undo]Isolation
: The transaction is isolated from other transactions and appears to be the only user on the system even though it is executing with other concurrent transaction. [lock]Durability
(Durable): The committed changes by a transaction are persistent, capable of surviving machine crashes. [Redo]
- dirty read 脏读
- unrepeatable read 不可重复读
- phantom read 幻读
- Read Uncommitted:会出现脏读、不可重复读、幻读(隔离级别最低,并发性能高)
- Read Committed:会出现不可重复读、幻读问题(锁定正在读取的行),Oracle的默认隔离级别
- Repeatable Read:会出幻读(锁定所读取的所有行),Mysql的默认隔离级别,在Mysql Innodb上设置此隔离级别幻读也不会产生
- Serializable:保证所有的情况不会发生(锁表)
- 在循环中提交:提交
应尽量放到循环外 - 使用自动提交:不使用自动提交,
set autocommit=0
- 使用自动回滚:MSSQL中关闭自动回滚
- 大事务:尽量拆成小事务
- InooDB 行级锁
- Oracle 行级锁
- MyISAM 表锁
- Microsoft SQL Server 行级锁、锁升级
- 对象:事务/线程
- 保护:数据库对象/内存结构对象
- 持续时间:长/短
- 模式:表锁行锁/互斥
- 死锁:有/无
- 表级
- IS 意向共享锁
- IX 意向排它锁
- 行级
- S 行级共享锁
- X 行级排它锁
update更新一行时,会在要更新的表上加IX锁,并在更新的行上加X锁,这时如果并发有用户drop table,看到表上有IX锁,就会立即报错
InnoDB row lock(行锁)范围
- Record lock:行记录锁
- Gap lock:间隙锁,在索引记录间隙上的锁,或者是第一条索引记录之前、最后一条索引记录之后上的间隙锁,只有隔离级别为Repeatable Read的普通索引才有Gap lock
- Next-key lock:下一键锁,索引记录锁以及索引记录之间的间隙锁,前二者的组合锁
测试Record Lock
# 创建测试表 create table t2(id int, name varchar(10),primary key(id),key(name)); insert into t2 values (1,'A'),(3,'A'),(5,'C'),(7,'G'),(10,'I'); commit; select id,name from t2; +----+------+ | id | name | +----+------+ | 1 | A | | 3 | A | | 5 | C | | 7 | G | | 10 | I | +----+------+ # 测试一 # session 1: begin; select * from t2 where name='C' for update; # session 2: begin; select * from t2 where id=5 lock in share mode; #这时session 2被阻塞,查看锁信息 select * from information_schema.innodb_locks; +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | lock_id | lock_trx_id | lock_mode | lock_type | lock_table | lock_index | lock_space | lock_page | lock_rec | lock_data | +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 14789:19:3:4 | 14789 | S | RECORD | `lyj`.`t2` | PRIMARY | 19 | 3 | 4 | 5 | | 14788:19:3:4 | 14788 | X | RECORD | `lyj`.`t2` | PRIMARY | 19 | 3 | 4 | 5 | +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ # 测试二 # session 1: begin; select * from t2 where id=5 and name='C' for update; # session 2: begin; select * from t2 where id=5 and name='B' for update; #这时session 2被阻塞,查看锁信息 select * from information_schema.innodb_locks; +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | lock_id | lock_trx_id | lock_mode | lock_type | lock_table | lock_index | lock_space | lock_page | lock_rec | lock_data | +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 14793:19:3:4 | 14793 | X | RECORD | `lyj`.`t2` | PRIMARY | 19 | 3 | 4 | 5 | | 14792:19:3:4 | 14792 | X | RECORD | `lyj`.`t2` | PRIMARY | 19 | 3 | 4 | 5 | +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ |
# 测试一 # session 1 set tx_isolation='repeatable-read'; begin; select * from t2 where name='C' for update; # session 2 set tx_isolation='repeatable-read'; begin; insert into t2 values (6,'C'); #这时session 2被阻塞,查看锁信息以下几种方法: show engine innodb status\G; select * from information_schema.innodb_locks; +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | lock_id | lock_trx_id | lock_mode | lock_type | lock_table | lock_index | lock_space | lock_page | lock_rec | lock_data | +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ | 14814:19:4:5 | 14814 | X,GAP | RECORD | `lyj`.`t2` | name | 19 | 4 | 5 | 'G', 7 | | 14813:19:4:5 | 14813 | X,GAP | RECORD | `lyj`.`t2` | name | 19 | 4 | 5 | 'G', 7 | +--------------+-------------+-----------+-----------+------------+------------+------------+-----------+----------+-----------+ SELECT r.trx_id waiting_trx_id, r.trx_mysql_thread_id waiting_thread, r.trx_query waiting_query, b.trx_id blocking_trx_id, b.trx_mysql_thread_id blocking_thread, b.trx_query blocking_query FROM information_schema.innodb_lock_waits w INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx b on b.trx_id=w.blocking_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx r on r.trx_id=w.requesting_trx_id; +----------------+----------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+ | waiting_trx_id | waiting_thread | waiting_query | blocking_trx_id | blocking_thread | blocking_query | +----------------+----------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+ | 14819 | 30 | insert into t2 values (6,'C') | 14813 | 32 | NULL | +----------------+----------------+-------------------------------+-----------------+-----------------+----------------+ SELECT p2.`HOST` Blockedhost, p2.`USER` BlockedUser, r.trx_id BlockedTrxId, r.trx_mysql_thread_id BlockedThreadId, TIMESTAMPDIFF( SECOND, r.trx_wait_started, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP ) WaitTime, r.trx_query BlockedQuery, l.lock_table BlockedTable, m.`lock_mode` BlockedLockMode, m.`lock_type` BlockedLockType, m.`lock_index` BlockedLockIndex, m.`lock_space` BlockedLockSpace, m.lock_page BlockedLockPage, m.lock_rec BlockedLockRec, m.lock_data BlockedLockData, p.`HOST` blocking_host, p.`USER` blocking_user, b.trx_id BlockingTrxid, b.trx_mysql_thread_id BlockingThreadId, b.trx_query BlockingQuery, l.`lock_mode` BlockingLockMode, l.`lock_type` BlockingLockType, l.`lock_index` BlockingLockIndex, l.`lock_space` BlockingLockSpace, l.lock_page BlockingLockPage, l.lock_rec BlockingLockRec, l.lock_data BlockingLockData, IF (p.COMMAND = 'Sleep', CONCAT(p.TIME,' seconds'), 0) idel_in_trx FROM information_schema.INNODB_LOCK_WAITS w INNER JOIN information_schema.INNODB_TRX b ON b.trx_id = w.blocking_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.INNODB_TRX r ON r.trx_id = w.requesting_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.INNODB_LOCKS l ON w.blocking_lock_id = l.lock_id AND l.`lock_trx_id`=b.`trx_id` INNER JOIN information_schema.INNODB_LOCKS m ON m.`lock_id`=w.`requested_lock_id` AND m.`lock_trx_id`=r.`trx_id` INNER JOIN information_schema. PROCESSLIST p ON p.ID = b.trx_mysql_thread_id INNER JOIN information_schema. PROCESSLIST p2 ON p2.ID = r.trx_mysql_thread_id ORDER BY WaitTime DESC \G; |
set tx_isolation='repeatable-read'; create table t4 ( id int(11) not null default '0', user_id int(11) default null, user_name varchar(10) default null, create_time varchar(10) default null, address varchar(10) default null, primary key (id), key idx_time_name (create_time,user_name) ); insert into t4 values (1,101,'tom','20161010',''), (4,104,'joe','20160305',''), (6,106,'tom','20161231',''), (8,108,'tom','20160515','sh'), (10,110,'tom','20160101',''), (100,200,'jack','20161120',''); commit; select * from t4 where create_time>'20160101' and create_time<'20161120' and user_name='tom' and address!='' for update; |
Mysql5.5版本引入了MDL锁(metadata lock),用于解决或者保证DDL操作与DML操作之间的一致性。
在mysqldump的时候不能做DDL操作,会提示wailing for table metadata lock
;在做DDL操作没办法保护事务,因此引入了meta data lock
# session 1 begin; select * from t1; # session 2 drop table t1; #这时session 2被阻塞,可以通过以下命令查看状态 show processlist; +----+------+-----------+------+---------+------+---------------------------------+------------------+ | Id | User | Host | db | Command | Time | State | Info | +----+------+-----------+------+---------+------+---------------------------------+------------------+ | 38 | root | localhost | lyj | Sleep | 155 | | NULL | | 39 | root | localhost | lyj | Query | 115 | Waiting for table metadata lock | drop table t1 | # 这个就是meta data lock | 40 | root | localhost | NULL | Query | 0 | init | show processlist | +----+------+-----------+------+---------+------+---------------------------------+------------------+ |
解决meta data lock的策略:
- 解决DDL高并发
- 线上DB不要轻易做alter table
- 干掉DDL会话
show processlist;
kill id;
- 产生回路
两个或两个以上的事务执行过程中,分别持有一把锁,然后加另一把锁(AB-BA),产生死锁。 - 加锁顺序不一致
select * from t1; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 1 | aaaaa | | 2 | aaaaa | | 3 | cccc | | 5 | eeeee | +------+-------+ # session 1 begin; update t1 set name='AAAAA' where id=1; # session 2 begin; update t1 set name='BBBBB' where id=2; # session 1 update t1 set name='CCCCC' where id=2; # 这时操作会被阻塞 # session 2 begin; update t1 set name='DDDDD' where id=1; ERROR 1213 (40001): Deadlock found when trying to get lock; try restarting transaction # 这时session 2会报死锁错误,操作被rollback; 而session 1的事务阻塞解除, # session 1 select * from t1; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 1 | AAAAA | | 2 | CCCCC | | 3 | cccc | | 5 | eeeee | +------+-------+ # session 2 select * from t1; +------+-------+ | id | name | +------+-------+ | 1 | aaaaa | | 2 | aaaaa | | 3 | cccc | | 5 | eeeee | +------+-------+ # 可以通过以下命令查看最后一次死锁解撤的信息: show engine innodb status\G; ------------------------ LATEST DETECTED DEADLOCK ------------------------ 2017-03-10 14:47:38 7f150d11a700 *** (1) TRANSACTION: TRANSACTION 14866, ACTIVE 63 sec fetching rows mysql tables in use 1, locked 1 LOCK WAIT 3 lock struct(s), heap size 1184, 2 row lock(s), undo log entries 1 MySQL thread id 38, OS thread handle 0x7f150d0d9700, query id 1579 localhost root updating update t1 set name='CCCCC' where id=2 *** (1) WAITING FOR THIS LOCK TO BE GRANTED: RECORD LOCKS space id 18 page no 3 n bits 80 index `GEN_CLUST_INDEX` of table `lyj`.`t1` trx id 14866 lock_mode X locks rec but not gap waiting Record lock, heap no 8 PHYSICAL RECORD: n_fields 5; compact format; info bits 0 0: len 6; hex 000000501013; asc P ;; 1: len 6; hex 000000003a13; asc : ;; 2: len 7; hex 3c0000093b0110; asc < ; ;; 3: len 4; hex 80000002; asc ;; 4: len 5; hex 4242424242; asc BBBBB;; ...... # innodb_print_all_deadlocks设置为ON时,会把死锁的信息记录到错误日志里 show variables like '%dead%'; +----------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +----------------------------+-------+ | innodb_print_all_deadlocks | OFF | +----------------------------+-------+ set global innodb_print_all_deadlocks='ON'; |
- 超时设置(参数
) - 尽快提交事务,小事务不容易发生死锁
- 加
事务隔离级别,例如用RC级别,降低死锁发生概率 - 事务中涉及多个表,或者涉及多行记录时,每个事务的操作顺序都要保持一致,降低死锁概率,最好用存储过程/存储函数固化
- 通过索引等方式优化SQL效率,降低死锁发生概率(减少扫描/锁范围,降低概率)
#查看innodb引擎 show engine innodb status\G; #查看锁 SELECT r.trx_id waiting_trx_id, r.trx_mysql_thread_id waiting_thread, r.trx_query waiting_query, b.trx_id blocking_trx_id, b.trx_mysql_thread_id blocking_thread, b.trx_query blocking_query FROM information_schema.innodb_lock_waits w INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx b ON b.trx_id= w.blocking_trx_id INNER JOIN information_schema.innodb_trx r ON r.trx_id= w.requesting_trx_id; select * from information_schema.innodb_trx\G; # 表中几个最常用的字段: trx_id: InnoDB存储引擎内部唯一的事务ID trx_state: 当前事务的状态 trx_started: 事务的开始时间 trx_wait_started: 事务等待开始的时间 trx_mysql_thread_id: Mysql中的线程ID,SHOW PROCESSLIST显示的结果 trx_query: 事务运行的sql语句 select * from information_schema.innodb_locks\G; # 表中几个最常用的字段: lock_id: 锁的ID lock_trx_id: 事务ID lock_mode: 锁的模式 lock_type: 锁的类型,表锁还是行锁 lock_table: 要加锁的表 lock_index: 锁的索引 lock_space: InnoDB存储引擎表空间的ID号 lock_page: 被锁住的页的数量。若是表锁,则该值为NULL lock_rec: 被锁住的行的数量。若是表锁,则该值为NULL lock_data: 被锁住的行的主键值。当是表锁时,该值为NULL select * from information_schema.innodb_lock_waits\G; # 表中几个最常用的字段: requesting_trx_id: 申请锁资源的事务ID requesting_lock_id: 申请的锁的ID blocking_trx_id: 阻塞的锁的ID |